Atlantic Transportation Systems, Inc. specializes in installation, maintenance and inspect traffic signals, intersections, and cabinets. We have staff which inspect new installation along with evaluate preexisting signals, cabinets, cameras, radios, timing, loops, signal heads, lenses, bracketing, etc. Our personal designed checklist consist of over 300 inspection items. We also have staff which can do energy audits or discuss LED lighting. By mentioning this website you can receive our “Website Discount”.
ATS, is dedicating to making schools safe. We specialize in security cameras, lighting, and computer wiring. Ask us about reducing your energy bills!
Atlantic Transportation Systems, Inc. is dedicated to making roadways safe. We specialize in pavement marking, identifying utility lines, and roadway signage.
We have experience in installation and repair of various types of lighting. Such lighting includes, but not limited to, LEDs, high pressure sodium, mercury vapor, and metal halide. Lighting fixtures include both indoor and outdoor areas.