Atlantic Transportation Systems, Inc. specializes in various parts of your transportation.  These specialties include:  Installation of Intersections, maintenance of systems, fiber optics, school signals, street lighting, camera/loop/radar detection, pavement markings and utility line locations.  Below is a list of completed projects.

Installation of Intersection – York Road and Center Street in Penn Township, York County, Pennsylvania has a new installation of 4 traffic signal poles with foundation.  It also includes a new cabinet with UPS, 4 cameras, pavement marking, and signs.

Maintenance – ATS has more than 400+ intersections under contract. This contract includes conflict monitor testing, intersection inspection according to PennDOT publication 191. all PennDOT required reports are submitted by ATS with a copy to the municipality or owner. Some of these contracts include:  Camp Hill, Chambersburg, city of Harrisburg, Lower Allen Township, Middlesex, Mount Joy and South Middleton Township, just to name a few.

Fiber optics – An adaptive system was put in place within 8 municipalities from Silver Spring to Camp Hill and from Harrisburg to Lower Paxton in central Pennsylvania.  Within this system, 32,000 ft of fiber optic cable was installed, tested and terminated to 52 cabinets.

School signals – ATS installed an advanced information cellular, solar school signal system for West Shore School District. It was an upgrade of 7 signals to allow remote web-based connection for monitoring and programming. It provides user interaction through a TravelSafely application allowing the system to be administered by the school district.

AnEltek radio connected school system was installed in the Big Spring School District. this system included 15 school signals connected to one central command radio location. The central command is operated by the local school district.

Lighting – ATS has repaired street lighting on State Route 15 in Lower Allen Township, Pennsylvania. This project included replacing ballast, bulbs, connections, and photocells of 17 street lights at the height of thirty feet which were struck by lightening.

At a school in South Middleton Township our team replaced 1000+ light fixtures with LED lighting.  This resulted in 21% decrease in electrical usage.

Cameras – A variety of types of cameras, such as, Pan Tilt Zoom, detection for roadways, license plate reader, to name a few.

Pavement Markings – ATS has experience in installing pavement markings with paint, preformed and/or hot extruded (heated plastic).  We can work with any pavement contractor, private owner, and/or school, etc. for parking or roadway markings.

Utility Line Location – Before anyone digs, Pennsylvania has a PA One Call system in place to identify utility lines.  ATS has the equipment and experience to identify these traffic lines.  Please call us before you dig (717) 254-6795!

Mailing address is:  1863 Center St.   Camp Hill, PA  17011
3 section signal with camera detection
Solar panel lighting
Inside cabinet with controller, conflict monitor, and loop detections along with UPS backup